Aircrack gui android apk
Aircrack gui android apk

Aircrack gui android apk

If you would like to build for another device, start here.

Aircrack gui android apk

This guide assumes the target device is a Google Pixel (Sailfish). Experience compiling a kernel and android apps is not required, but will help. I explain how to pull source and build everything. By setting up this project, your phone will be less secure. This should only be used for educational purposes. This guide uses sailfish as the target device, but adaptation of this method to other devices supported by Lineage should be relatively easy. If you would like a control app, Hijacker has been forked to interface with this implementation. If your goal is simply to install the aircrack suite, a special add-on package is included that will copy precompiled aircrack binaries to /system/xbin. The Google Pixel does not have a wireless card capable of packet injection, so this README has a guide on including kernel modules that allow a supported, external USB wireless card. The goal of this project was to modify LineageOS 16.1 to support the aircrack-ng wireless security testing suite on a Google Pixel (codename sailfish).

Aircrack gui android apk