Program za skeniranje ip adresa
Program za skeniranje ip adresa

program za skeniranje ip adresa program za skeniranje ip adresa

We will only send you emails, SMS’ and faxes where you have given us your prior express consent to receive such communications. We may send you mailings by post or call you unless you have told us that you do not want to be contacted in this way. In order to provide you with a better service, we would like to use your Personal Information to send you information about products and services which we think may be of interest to you. We will use the information you supply (a) to answer your specific inquiry (b) at your option, to send you additional materials relating to Iron Mountain (c) in the administration of the Site and (d) as otherwise described in this policy. You can also change your contact or marketing preferences at any time by contacting us as set out in this policy. Please read this policy carefully to learn how you can verify the accuracy of any Personal Information we have concerning you and how you can request that Iron Mountain delete or update your Personal Information. Unless you provide it to us voluntarily or the information is collected via cookies in the manner described in this policy, Iron Mountain does not collect Personal Information in connection with your use of this Site. Iron Mountain collects two types of information about users of this Site “Personal Information” (including, but not limited to, your name, address, telephone number and email address) and non-personally identifiable and anonymous “Aggregate Information” (such as information about how many users log onto our Site). In the event that any inconsistencies should arise with respect to this policy and the Privacy Principles concerning online privacy, the terms of this policy shall prevail. You should also review Iron Mountain’s Privacy Principles set out below which contain our commitment to protecting our customers’ and employees’ privacy, online and offline. This Privacy Policy provides you information about what type of information is gathered and tracked on the Site, how the information is used, and with whom the information is shared.

program za skeniranje ip adresa

Iron Mountain understands your concerns about the privacy of data you may submit through this Iron Mountain Web site at (“ Site”). Iron Mountain UK Limited of Ground Floor, 4 More London Riverside, London SE1 2AU Registered in England with Company Number: 1478540 (“ Iron Mountain”, “ we” or “ us”) and our participating subsidiaries, holding companies and joint venture partners which are part of the Iron Mountain service system, and other entities which directly or indirectly are controlled by Iron Mountain UK Limited (each an “ Affiliate”).

Program za skeniranje ip adresa